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MP3 demo

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Old train
Blue Skies And Teardrops

Paul peter Walked tradicional
Čas (J.Bratinka) Song For Life
Čas letí (J.Bratinka)
Smer správny mám Vlado Bachratý
C and O Canal J.Starling Stranded in the Moonlight

Don't let you deal tradicional
Take My Home John Denwer

This Heart of Mine J.Smoak, R.Irmen
Fallow the Night

Ticked Back (M.Trachtenberg)
Going Back to Dixie John Hardford
To Late Tp Cry

Good Womans Love Bill Monroe
Used to be tradicional
Hearts Overfloving (M.Brewer)
Viem čo ťa trápi J.Bratinka
I Cant Believe V.Gill

What love is

I can go Jesus anytime

Wait A Minute (H.Peddersen)
Ice out in the Rain

Woh me

I`m just walking in blues

You`re gone so long

John's Waltz

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